

Product benefits

Environment friendly
Thermal protection

ONDUGREEN creates extra living and functional areas in full nature.

Fast urbanization in the cities all over the world has resulted in the loss of green lands. Natural surroundings that should normally exist have been replaced by concrete buildings. Air pollution has become a major worldwide problem.

The Green Roof system helps twice to protect the environment: by using recycled products on the one hand relieving disposal sites and on the other hand giving nature the chance to reconquer space in the crowded cities. Apart from the attractive appareance of a Green Roof there are also a lot of solid economical and ecological benefits, provided that there is a technically perfected Green Roof build-up which guarantees a durable success. Green Roofs are worth being installed from small surfaces on garages or car ports up to large industrial surfaces.

Every year, natural surroundings are sacrified in favour of urban developments whereas Green Roofs constitute the ideal solution for offsitting the loss of nature. That is why we have found in technically innovative and practicable solutions for integral use of the roof- from the so called extensive landscaped roof as an ecological protection layer up to beautiful “Roof Garden” which can be combined with footpaths and road surfaces. To compensate the functions of the missing ground is the main requirement in view of establishing a durable vegetation on roof surfaces. Technically perfected Green Roof Systems from ZinCo Ingenieurwerkstatt + Gruendachsysteme combined with the experience of Onduline Avrasya in the roofing systems guarantee a durable success of landscaped roofs.


Advantages of Green Roofs


ondugreen 3A- Reduced Sewer Cost

A Green Roof build-up reduces the water run-off to 50-100 %. The remaining water flows off with a time difference. So, with Green Roofs, it is ensured that the rainwater remains in the natural water cycle thereby reducing sewer cost.


ondugreen 4B- Reduction of Dust

A Green Roof helps to filter the dust particules in the athmosphere. The nitrates and other environmentally harmful substances on the air or the rainwaters are absorbed.


ondugreen 5C- Reduced Noise Level

Due to the soft plant level of Green Roofs there is sound absorbtion instead of sound reflexion. Moreover, the sound insulation of a building can be reduced up to 8dB.


ondugreen 6D- Additional Spaces

Roof gardens offer additional space for leisure activities without spending money on new and expensive building grounds.


ondugreen 7E- Reduction of Urban Heat Island Effect

The surfaces of green roofs improve the microclimate by cooling and humidifying the surrounding air. In addition the plants capture solar energy, extract carbon dioxide from the air, and combine it with water to produce organic substances. Through this process, plants release oxygen which guarantees more purified air.

ondugreen 8F- Reduced Renovation Cost

The waterproofing’s life expectancy is increased, because it is better protected from UV-rays, hail and extreme temperature differences. It can be presumed, that the life expectancy of waterproofings is increased to more than 40 years if a green roof is installed.


ondugreen 9G- Reduced Energy Cost

Thermal insulating green roof build-up with official property values are allowed to be added to the conventional thermal insulation. Due to this special build-up, the building owner saves up to 50 % of the energy cost.


ondugreen 9H- Natural Habitat for Animals and Plants

At least a part of green surfaces which were sacrified to building developments can be compensated by landscaped roofs, thereby reducing the quantity of sealed surfaces and encourage limited wildlife development.


Green Roof Systems


ondugreen roof types


There are two green roofs systems;

Intensive or Extensive landscaping:

In Intensive landscaping if there is enough load bearing capacity it is possible to realize roof gardens (with higher maintenance); from lawn and demanding shrubs to bushes and even trees and ponds in combination with driveways and terrace surfaces, provided that the right technology is used! Because the load bearing capacity of the roof has to be approx. 300 kg/sqm.

Extensive landscaped roofs are an ecological alternative for conventional surface protections such as gravel. And the load that has to be supported by the roof is less then 100 kg/sqm. Regarding installation and maintenance they cause only small additional costs. Suitable plants are mosses, sedum-species, herbs and some grasses. After installation the maintenance is limited to 1 or 2 inspection checks a year.


Fundamental Build-up Levels


1- Plant Material
Suitable plants to the climate of the area when installed in proper system will last for years.


2- Growing Medium (vegetation level)
A roof planting soil which is adapted to the plant level. The base of each roof planting soil is “Zincolit” which is completely mineral material on the basis of crushed clay bricks, enriched with the organic material “Zincohum”.


3- Filter and Drainage Levels
Prevents fine particles from being washed out of the substrate soil, thereby ensuring efficiency of the drainage layer. Profiled drainage elements retain rainwater for dry periods in troughs on the upperside. The surpluswater is drained off through the channel system on the underside. Special holes ensure evaporation and the necessary ventilation. The extra large water retaining troughs on the upperside supply the plants in dry periods.


4- Moisture Retention and Protection Mat
Provides mechanical protection and retains moisture and nutrients.


5- Root - Resistant Level
Prevents roots from affecting the efficiency of the waterproofing in case there is not a root-resistant one.


6- Roof Construction and Waterproofing
The Green Roof can be build-up on a strong and well waterproofed roof structure. The use of BITULINE waterproofing membranes gives a perfect waterproofing to the roofs.


ondugreen layers


Growing Mediums: Ecological Solutions With Local Materials


ondugreen systems 01


For the growing mediums of the system ONDUGREEN we use recycled natural clay tile chippings instead of synthetically obtained substrate such as lava, pumice, etc. because the organic content decomposes and prevent the drainage resulting in plant failure.

The choice of the materials is also essential for the ecological point of view which is behind the green roof idea; therefore the waste material of the clay tile production is utilized in an effective way for the environment. The “Zincolit”, a recycled mineral bulk material on the basis of clay tile chippings and the plant soil enriched with the organic material "Zincohum" have been choosen as the most suitable growing medium for green roofs specially for sedum species for which they provide stable long term nutritient supply and resistant to frost and wind erosion. The duo Zincolit+Zincohum are the unchangeable contents of the green roofs.


Best Suitable System Susbstrate for Green Roofs.

1- Crushed brick
2- Plants
3- Harrow and sifter
4- Compost facility
5- Mineral content
6- Organic content


Technical details


Ideal Plants For Roof Gardens

In extensive green roofs plant material should be chosen from maintenance free species. Sedum Carpet" is a low, ground-covering extensive green roof vegetation on a substrate layer of approx. 60 mm which is mainly applied where - apart from low weight - also low maintenance costs are demanded. There are a wide variety of sedums, herbs and grasses that meet these requirements. They come in a wide range of leaf and flower colours and they root quickly. In general planting should be done between spring and early fall but the fastest growing result can be obtained by planting in March-April. The main flowering season of the "Sedum Carpet" is in early summer. The dominating colours are yellow and red/white.


Plain List  “SEDUM CARPET”


The 6 or 7 different low-growing Sedum species which belong to the plant community "Sedum Carpet" are spread as shoots or applied as plants with small root balls over the Zincolit substrate layer and covered with 10-15 l/sqm Zincohum plant soil and irrigated. With this method by using 50 g/sqm of sedum carpet we may obtain a perfect roof garden within 2-3 years. For bigger roof surfaces it is possible to spread the shoots of sedums, seeds of mosses, herbs and grasses with pressurized water pump.


Anti-root Waterproofing


ondugreen bitulineIn extensive or intensive green roof applications the waterproofing of the roof has to be protected against root damages. The use of protective concrete layer applied on familar waterproofing membranes is not the effective solution for preventing most of the plant roots to damage the waterproofing. Therefore the use of a special root barrier on top of the existant waterproofing or an anti-root waterproofing membrane is necessary.

The BITULINE EP400 Anti-racine membranes are used for intensive or extensive roof planting of gardens and are resistant to root perforation or penetration damages. The BITULINE® Anti-racine membranes have been tested during two years by Forschungsgesellschaft für Landschaftsentwicklung und Landschaftsbau (University of Applied Sciences Research Institute of Horticulture) in Germany by FLL method and granted FLL root resistance Certificate. (x)

With the use of BITULINE EP400 anti-racine in the waterproofing of the green roof application another root barrier is not necessary. And the result is more safe and economic.


ondugreen ce ondugreen fll







(x) Except bambou species. There is no any antiroot product for these species. Therefore it is better do not use these species in the green roof systems or the use of stainless steel tanks is recommended.



Commercial (Mall)